This bag took hours to make! It has 6 pockets. Used chenille with complimentary fabrics and lined with a flannel fabric. It will make some young girl happy!
The sachet above was done with cotton and a image transfer of roses. Stamped the "flowers" onto the cotton fabric before stuffing with cotton that has a package of oris root in centre which I added several drops of Lavender Essential Oil to. These are lovely to tuck under the pillow, in a drawer or suitcase etc. Oris Root can be purchased at a health food store and is wonderful in this application as a fixative to hold the lavender fragrance in. I made the package to hold the oris root from coffee filters - it was sturdy and I just sewed them shut. When finished it came out to about 1 inch by 2 inches long.
On this one I used a sheer fabric so the actual lavender buds could be seen. The overlay is from a vintage linen that I cut into 4 so I would be able to use all corners for these 3x3 lavender pillow (sachets). Will post more of these over the winter as I enjoyed doing them all a little different.
This journal was made with many layers. Started with the painted sheet music. Stitched the stamped lutradur layer and placed over my rose image before binding with one of my favorite tools: the zutter binder. Background done with Photoshop . Click on image to see details.
I taught myself to do some crazy quilting. I did the square then attached to foam core and finished the edges with ribbon and beads. This was lots of work. I will post over the course of winter and spring many more.