Adhered the lace to bottom of tray then added cameo images and "cameo" centre with a gimp and bead surround. On the top of the tray I placed a vintage hat pin. Placed glass over it to conceal the different textured layers and sealed edges with silicone, then used beads to conceal the glue. Gave this away as a wedding gift. PS: I apologize for the reflection in the glass of me taking the picture - don't have that mastered yet! Thanks for looking.
Used various papers for these mini envelopes. A great way to upcycle old papers and some of my art papers which I created using coffee in a spray bottle over a plastic lace tablecloth.
Used vintage papers on the outside of this glass. Painted the bottom with black acrylic paint then gave it a coat of liquid floor wax. Can be filled with paper clips if using in the home office or candy or if you sew, a great place to store pins and needles. Digital background texture courtesy of Kim Klassen.