The first picture was scanned into my pc in 2 scans; left side then right side. I used Photomerge in Photoshop to bring them together since my scanner bed is only 8 3/4 inches wide. This collage is 10 inches square. So the coloring is a little different from the bottom picture which I took for a closeup of the keyboard I used as a edging. Printed the sheet music on tissue paper applied with Golden gel medium. Texture stenciled a border design and used 2 part crackle.
CLICK ON PHOTOS TO SEE THE DETAILS. Last year I did a similar one in a hot pink which I gave away as a grad gift. This one will go to the Art & Craft Show this fall. This took hours and hours - oh maybe I should just keep it!
Wow Sandra ... These are beautiful...
Hello Zaa! Thanks for your comments. Nice to hear from you. So glad I have inspired you. Please do check back I have been doing some interesting things that I will be posting! Sandra